MND Australia

State of Play

Our next State of Play is on Tuesday, 6th August at 7pm AEST. For this webinar, we are deviating from our usual format. The session will feature a panel of experts from across the MND research spectrum, and the bulk of the webinar will be time for questions from the audience. 

We are inviting you to submit your questions prior to the event. We are hoping to answer any of the burning questions you have, about anything relating to MND research. Please email us at 

Register here

State of Play is a Webinar Series organised by MND Research Australia. The webinars began in 2020 and are open to all members of the MND Community to provide an introduction to the advancements of the research community in Australia. We would love to hear any suggestions regarding topics for future webinars, so if there is an area of MND research that you would like to see covered then please send us an email at

Previous webinars

All State of Plays webinars for 2020-24 are available to watch at any time. The most recent edition is below and all other webinars from 2020-24 are available on our youtube channel.