MND Australia

The Lived Experience Research Advisory Panel

To truly ensure we are harnessing the full range of experience, guidance and opinions of the MND community, The MND Research Collective includes people with lived experience of MND through the Lived Experience Research Advisory Panel.

Lived experience of MND can come in many different forms. You may be living with the disease personally, supporting a family member or friend through their disease, or have lost a loved one to MND.

Participation in the Lived Experience Research Advisory Panel is now managed through The National MND Lived Experience Network. To read about the National MND Lived Experience Network, please visit this page. If you are interested in joining this network, then please fill in the registration form.   

The Chair of the Lived Experience Research Advisory Panel, Jane Simpson, hosts a podcast called Let's Talk MND. Jane interviews people with lived experience of MND, neurologists, allied health professionals and many more.